Two poems in an anthology edited by Sanjeev Sethi.



Bulbuls quill the dusk

to sweetened coils of fading light.

The Barbet’s hammering call

punches the sun in place a while longer.

Last night’s storm

tethers our eyes

to the play of the Northerlies.

Yellow autumn leaves

cling damply to wet roads

like scattered post-its.

And in the flattened grass

a wild, purple daisy

raises its head

chivvies in the breeze

speaks about all the alizarin green

pumiced to a barren brown.

All the birds silenced out of existence.

This lavender daisy. Here. Now.

Holding its ground.



a cumulus cloud

weighs one hundred elephants

and after it rains,

less than a flower;

the slightest puff of wind

can make it dance.


When you arrive,

be the rain

turn the heavy cloud of waiting

into a light puff

make raindrops



Let all that tethered me to darkness,

lie pooled at my feet in a puddle.